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Welcome to Peacestock: Gatherings for Peace
A mixture of speakers, activists,& musicians, Peacestock features timely
topics and seeks speakers who are well respected on those topics.
Peacestock is sponsored by Veterans for Peace Chapter 27 (Minneapolis).


Minneapolis, MN July 27, 2024 (4-8PM)
3104 16th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN (View Map)

In-person and via Zoom. Register for the Zoom here:



Chris Mato Nunpa, PhD is a Wahpeton Dakota Elder and retired Associate Professor of Indigenous Nations and Dakota Studies. He taught at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, Minnesota and is the author of The Great Evil (the Bible, and the Native American Genocide). He is a member of VFP chapter 27.

Mnar Adley, is an award-winning Palestinian-American journalist and editor and is the founder and director of the global news source MintPress News. She is also president and director of the nonprofit media organization Behind the Headlines. Adley co-hosts the MintCast podcast and is a producer and host of the social media video series Behind The Headlines.  Adley is a recipient of the Women's Institute for the Freedom of the Press Award and the Serena Shim Award for independent journalism. Adley is a regular speaker on responsible journalism and Big Tech censorship. In 2009, Adley also became the first American woman to wear the hijab to anchor/report the news in American media.

The String Beans: Chickpea and Garbanzo -
Family-friendly traditional music Chickpea and Garbanzo sing the Pipeline Blues at the Governor's mansion with violin accompaniment.

Ben Weaver and Strong Buffalo are out on the front of a wave that is carrying us all forward, with strength, humility, and awe. Listening to them, I am reminded of how in the spring, when the woods are just beginning to think about coming back to life, you hear the first trickle of snowmelt, of water running. At first, you don’t even recognize what it is. And then you do—life, running to join other life.   — Rick Bass

“Peace is stronger than war.” Strong Buffalo



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Or you can mail your check to:

Veterans for Peace Chapter 27

4200 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407


(Make check payable to: VFP27 and add Peacestock in the memo line)

Your help with Peacestock expenses is appreciated!



Red Wing, MN July 16, 2023 
Is Militarism Providing the Security We Seek?

Peacestock23 Presenters:

Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer                             The Buffalo Weavers

Coleen Rowley                                          Sami Rasouli

Peacestock23 Mike Ferner VFP           Peacestock23 Bill McGrath Songs


Climate Crisis and Militarism
Presented April 21st 2023
by Veterans for Peace

Climate Crisis and Militarism Video at:

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Donate to Peacestock! 

Peacestock survives and thrives only because of the support of peace and justice minded individuals like yourselves.

Please consider supporting Peacestock programs and outreach through this PayPal donate button link below:

Or you can mail your check to: Veterans for Peace Chapter 27

4200 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407


Make check payable to: VFP27 and add Peacestock in the memo line

Thanks for your interest and support of Peacestock!​​

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